The Department of Biology at the University of Cologne offers a ‘Bachelor in Biology’ (B.Sc.), interfaculty/interdisciplinary ‘Bachelor of Neuroscience’ (B.Sc.) under the Faculties of Medicine and of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as an interinstitutional ‘Bachelor of Quantitative Biology’ (B.Sc.) in cooperation with CEPLAS and the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf.
Individual Bachelor thesis projects can be conducted in our CECAD groups. Are you interested in taking part in our research? Then please contact directly the research group of interest!
The University of Cologne offers several international, English-language Master’s (M.Sc.) degree programs with specialization in various subject areas:
Individual Master thesis projects can be conducted in our CECAD groups. Are you interested in taking part in our research? Then please contact directly the research group of interest.
The University of Cologne is implementing a new "International Master in Biology of Ageing" (IMAgein). This study program, funded by Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program of the European Commission, will award a multiple degree in collaboration with four other European universities. The program is set to begin in the winter semester of 2025/26.
For more information, please contact Fabian Krohm (fabian.krohm[at]