Current News & Press Releases

Cutting-edge research 'Made in NRW' showcased at the state parliament


CECAD is among the 14 top excellence clusters of North Rhine-Westphalia which presented their work today, June 12, in the…

The body’s own lipids affect mental disorders: Can specific inhibitors help?

10.06.2024 News and Calendar TopNews Prof. Dr. Johannes Vogt

A genetic disorder leads to an increase in bioactive lipids in the brain, resulting in an imbalance between excitation and…

New Collaborative Research Centre Funding and one Extension for CECAD

31.05.2024 TopNews Prof. Dr. Andreas Beyer Prof. Dr. Elena I. Rugarli

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved a new Collaborative Research Center in mRNA research and extended funding for…

Pint of Science Brings Basic Scientific Questions to Life in Cologne Pubs

20.05.2024 News and Calendar Public Outreach TopNews Discover

Pint of Science kicked off in Cologne on May 13th, featuring scientists like Annamaria Regina, Laura Wester, and Sadig…

How aging clocks tick

09.05.2024 TopNews Prof. Dr. Björn Schumacher

Two scientists from the University of Cologne have discovered that aging clocks are based on random events / publication in…

Protein responsible for genetic inflammatory disease identified

29.04.2024 TopNews Prof. Dr. Hirotsugu Oda

Scientists at the University of Cologne discover that the linear ubiquitin assembly complex (LUBAC) is essential for proper immune…

Once food is in sight, the liver is activated

26.04.2024 Prof. Dr. Jens C. Brüning TopNews Prof. Dr. Hirotsugu Oda

The brain sends signals to the liver earlier than previously assumed, which then adapts the sugar metabolism - publication in…

ERC Advanced Grants for the CECAD researchers Jens Brüning and Thorsten Hoppe

11.04.2024 Prof. Dr. Jens C. Brüning TopNews Prof. Dr. Hirotsugu Oda Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hoppe

Metabolism researcher Jens Brüning and geneticist Thorsten Hoppe, both working group leaders at the Cluster of Excellence for…

Fuelling nerve cell function and plasticity

05.04.2024 TopNews Prof. Dr. Matteo Bergami

New finding from scientists at the University of Cologne’s CECAD Cluster of Excellence in Aging Research discloses how…

Insights on DNA damage and aging shared in Forbes

27.03.2024 TopNews Prof. Dr. Jan H. J. Hoeijmakers

The new study recently published in Nature Genetics by Jan Hoeijmkers, Akos Gyenis, Jiang Chang, and Joris Pothof, has obtained…