Cologne Seminars on Ageing Series 2024

09.10.2024, 13:00 – 09.10.2024, 14:30 MPI Age Calendar Cologne Seminars on Ageing

"The Role of PARPs, NAD+, and Site-Specific ADP-ribosylation in the Control of Complex Biological Processes" a presentation by Lee Kraus (UT Southwestern, US)

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to a talk by Prof. Lee Kraus taking place on Wednesday, 9th October 2024, at 1pm, MPI AGE Auditorium.


The Role of PARPs, NAD+, and Site-Specific ADP-ribosylation in the Control of Complex Biological Processes’             


Host: Ivan Matic


There will also be opportunity for discussion over coffee and cookies after the talk.


You are all cordially invited!