A collection of podcasts held by speakers from our CECAD Community or the CECAD Cluster.
Björn Schumacher
July 2024
Audio in German
The podcast series "Sprechstunde" by Deutschlandfunk features an expert discussing the current state of knowledge in their medical field and subsequently answering listeners' questions. Each episode is complemented by an up-to-date information segment. In the current episode the focus is on geriatrics and healthy aging, with CECAD member Prof. Dr. Björn Schumacher.
Björn Schumacher
April 2024
Audio in German
The Hessischen Rundfunk's INFO podcast series "Das Thema" (The Topic) by the ARD1 regularly reports on a current focus topic in the morning and afternoon. In the current episode, the focus is on the future of medicine. Is eternal life just a dream? Is aging a disease?
Bernhard Schermer
March 2024
Audio in German
The podcast series "Fabeln, Fell und Fakten" (Fables, Fur, and Facts) offers insights into various aspects of animal experimentation. Hosted by Prof. Johannes Beckers from the Helmholtz Zentrum München and Dr. Roman Stilling, a scientific consultant at Tierversuche verstehen (Understanding Animal Experiments), this episode explores kidney research, disease models, and sustainability in the research laboratory.
Filipe Cabreiro
November 2020
Audio in English
How does our Microbiome affect our health and how long we live? How does drugs like Metformin and others affect us through the Microbiome? In today's conversation on the podcast series "Health Psychology and Human Nature" Filipe shares his views on this and a lot more.
Frank Jessen
February 2023
Audio in German
The podcast series "Exploring the Brain: Unlocking the Mysteries of Neurodegenerative Diseases" by the DZNE (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) delves into the complexities of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS with journalist Sabine Heinrich.
Frank Jessen
December 2022
Audio in German
In this episode of the NDR podcast series "Norddeutscher Rundfunk" asks why for the first time, an Alzheimer's drug has shown an effect on patients during clinical trials. Why is dementia research so complicated?
Cristina Polidori & Björn Schumacher
February 2022
Audio in German
The podcast series "Exzellent erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle" (Excellently Explained - Cutting-Edge Research for All) by the DFG (German Research Foundation) regularly reports from one of the 57 research clusters funded under the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. In the current episode the focus is on aging research.