Oliver Cornely

Institute of Translational Research (CECAD), Department I of Internal Medicine & CMMC

Prof. Dr. med. Oliver A. Cornely CECAD Cologne
Prof. Dr. med. Oliver A. Cornely

Professor of Translational Research
Leader of CIT and CTCC

Research Areas


From Research Findings to Clinical Application

Our team offers expertise in all types of clinical research studies and advances current tools e.g. to preventative and therapeutic adaptive platform trials. We match research questions with tailored study design and built suitable networks of clinical study sites in currently 95 countries.

Research Focus

Our research focuses on clinical trial design. Designs range from non-interventional registries and cohorts to interventional studies comparing a new approach with current standard. Cutting edge technologies we offer comprise fully adaptive platform trials in prevention and prophylaxis. We run studies in patients and in healthy volunteers. Our most active Volunteer Registry comprises 37.000 people in Germany, 90% adults, 10% children. Our site networks cover 95 countries in all UN regions, where we collaborate with about 1100 scientists.

Settings in focus range from infections as they peak at the extremes of age, to acquired and inherited immunocompromise states and associated diseases, to metabolism research, to vaccine preventable diseases.

We counsel on any health or disease study topic CECAD investigators address.

Where lab and clinics closely interact, ideas and solutions of practical value are propelled. Our tailored study designs pave the way to patients and healthy volunteers without delay.

Our Goals

  • Our overarching goal is the improvement of current disease management pathways. Thus we catalyze collaboration between lab-based researchers and clinician researchers. Our support enables applying rapid evaluation of diagnostic, preventive or therapeutic measures in reliable and robust study designs. By interacting with patient advocates and consumer representatives we seek to build their needs into our clinical trials.
  • In healthcare, knowledge is often translated into action with substantial delays only. Thus, another important goal is developing disease management guidelines that are transparent and easy to adhere to. Our global guideline program involves more than 400 experts from all UN regions and from a variety of health settings, thus ensuring local applicability. Finally, we continue to create novel European Quality Scores (EQUAL Scores) quantifying guideline adherence. For the first time, guideline adherence becomes measurable. The impact of guideline adherence on disease courses and patient outcomes is now visibly opening a new research arena.

Key Publications

  1. Rossi G, Salmanton-García J, Cattaneo Ch, Marchesi F, Dávila-Valls J, Martín-Pérez S, Itri F, López-García A, Glenthøj A, Gomes da Silva M, Besson C, Marchetti M, Weinbergerová B, Jaksic O, Jiménez M, Cordoba R, Cornely OA, Pagano L. Age, successive waves, immunization, and mortality in elderly COVID-19 hematological patients: EPICOVIDEHA findings. Int J Infect Dis. 2023 Dec: 137:98-110. PMID: 37863310. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2023.10.013. Epub 2023 Oct 18.
  2. Stemler J, Yeghiazaryan L, Stephan Ch, Greve-Isdahl Mohn K, Carcas A, Romero Rodriguez E., Marhuenda Moltó J, Vergara Micheltorena I, Welte T, Zablockienė B, Akova M, Bethe U, Heringer S, Salmanton-Garcia J, Jeck J, Tischmann L, Zarrouk M, Cüppers A, Biehl Lena, Grothe J, Mellinghoff, S, Nacov J, Neuhann J, Sprute R, Frías J, Negi R, Gaillard C, Saini G, Garcia Leon A, Mallon P, Lammens, Ch,  Hotterbeekx A, Loens K, Malhotra-Kumar S, Goossens H, Kumar-Singh S, König F, Posch M, Koehler Ph, Cornely OA. Immunogenicity, Reactogenicity and Safety of a Second Booster with BNT162b2 or Full-Dose mRNA-1273: A Randomised VACCELERATE Trial in Adults ≥75 Years (EU-COVAT-1-AGED Part B).International Journal of Infectious Diseases, doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2024.107161
  3. Hanssen R, Rigoux L, Kuzmanovic B, Iglesias S, Kretschmer AC, Schlamann M, Albus K, Edwin Thanarajah S, Sitnikow T, Melzer C, Cornely OA, Brüning JC, Tittgemeyer M. Liraglutide restores impaired associative learning in individuals with obesity. Nat Metab. 2023 Aug;5(8):1352-1363. doi: 10.1038/s42255-023-00859-y. Epub 2023 Aug 17. PMID: 37592007; PMCID: PMC10447249.
  4. Chen SC, Perfect J, Colombo AL, Cornely OA, Groll AH, Seidel D, Albus K, de Almedia JN Jr, Garcia-Effron G, Gilroy N, Lass-Flörl C, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Pagano L, Papp T, Rautemaa-Richardson R, Salmanton-García J, Spec A, Steinmann J, Arikan-Akdagli S, Arenz DE, Sprute R, Duran-Graeff L, Freiberger T, Girmenia C, Harris M, Kanj SS, Roudbary M, Lortholary O, Meletiadis J, Segal E, Tuon FF, Wiederhold N, Bicanic T, Chander J, Chen YC, Hsueh PR, Ip M, Munoz P, Spriet I, Temfack E, Thompson L, Tortorano AM, Velegraki A, Govender NP. Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare yeast infections: an initiative of the ECMM in cooperation with ISHAM and ASM. Lancet Infect Dis. 2021 Dec;21(12):e375-e386. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00203-6. Epub 2021 Aug 19. Erratum in: Lancet Infect Dis. 2021 Dec;21(12):e363. PMID: 34419208.
Prof. Dr. med. Oliver A. Cornely CECAD Cologne
Prof. Dr. med. Oliver A. Cornely

Professor of Translational Research
Leader of CIT and CTCC

Research Areas