Press Releases 2016 (Archive)

Keeping Skin Cancer in Check: How the environment influences the tumor

A New Role for Autophagosomes in Neurodegeneration

Inflammation and Metabolism in Tissue Repair and Regen- eration

Researchers at the universities of Cologne and Bonn un- cover the link between protein aggregation and aging

Genome-based diets maximise growth, fecundity, and lifespan

DFG supports a new Clinical Research Unit (CRU 329) fo- cusing on disease pathways in podocyte injury

To differentiate or not to differentiate? Stem cells sense neighbourhood crowding

International Team Led by the Researcher on Aging Aleksandra Trifunovic from Cologne Wins Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action worth 3.9 Million Euros

Reprogrammable skin stem cells in a test-tube

Stem cells feel the force - new publication in Nature Cell Biology

Defining immortality of stem cells to identify novel antiaging mechanisms

New hope for better wound healing

A new switch decides between genome repair and death of cells