Adam Antebi
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Hisham Bazzi
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Thomas Benzing
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Susanne Brodesser
- Bach C, Gilch S, Rost R, Greenwood AD, Horsch M, Hajj GN, Brodesser S, Facius A, Schädler S, Sandhoff K, Beckers J, Leib-Mösch C, Schätzl HM, Vorberg I (2009). Prion-induced activation of cholesterogenic gene expression by Srebp2 in neuronal cells. J Biol Chem. Nov 6;284(45):31260-9. Epub 2009 Sep 11
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Jens C. Brüning
- Ernst MB, Wunderlich CM, Hess S, Paehler M, Mesaros A, Koralov SB, Kleinridders A, Husch A, Münzberg H, Hampel B, Alber J, Kloppenburg P, Brüning JC, Wunderlich FT (2009). Enhanced Stat3 activation in POMC neurons provokes negative feedback inhibition of leptin and insulin signaling in obesity. J Neurosci. Sep 16;29(37):11582-93
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- Freude S, Hettich MM, Schumann C, Stöhr O, Koch L, Köhler C, Udelhoven M, Leeser U, Müller M, Kubota N, Kadowaki T, Krone W, Schröder H, Brüning JC, Schubert M (2009). Neuronal IGF-1 resistance reduces Abeta accumulation and protects against premature death in a model of Alzheimer's disease. FASEB J. Oct;23(10):3315-24. Epub 2009 Jun 1
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- Garinis GA, Uittenboogaard LM, Stachelscheid H, Fousteri M, van Ijcken W, Breit TM, van Steeg H, Mullenders LH, van der Horst GT, Brüning JC, Niessen CM, Hoeijmakers JH, Schumacher B (2009). Persistent transcription-blocking DNA lesions trigger somatic growth attenuation associated with longevity. Nat Cell Biol. May;11(5):604-15. Epub 2009 Apr 12
- Girard CA, Wunderlich FT, Shimomura K, Collins S, Kaizik S, Proks P, Abdulkader F, Clark A, Ball V, Zubcevic L, Bentley L, Clark R, Church C, Hugill A, Galvanovskis J, Cox R, Rorsman P, Brüning JC, Ashcroft FM (2009). Expression of an activating mutation in the gene encoding the KATP channel subunit Kir6.2 in mouse pancreatic beta cells recapitulates neonatal diabetes. J Clin Invest. Jan;119(1):80-90. doi: 10.1172/JCI35772. Epub 2008 Dec 8
- Kleinridders A, Könner AC, Brüning JC (2009). CNS-targets in control of energy and glucose homeostasis. Curr Opin Pharmacol. Dec;9(6):794-804. Epub Oct 31
- Belgardt BF, Okamura T, Brüning JC (2009). Hormone and glucose signalling in POMC and AgRP neurons. J Physiol. Nov 15;587(Pt 22):5305-14. Epub 2009 Sep 21
- Kleinridders A, Pogoda HM, Irlenbusch S, Smyth N, Koncz C, Hammerschmidt M, Brüning JC (2009). PLRG1 is an essential regulator of cell proliferation and apoptosis during vertebrate development and tissue homeostasis. Mol Cell Biol. Jun;29(11):3173-85. Epub 2009 Mar 23
- Kleinridders A, Schenten D, Könner AC, Belgardt BF, Mauer J, Okamura T, Wunderlich FT, Medzhitov R, Brüning JC (2009). MyD88 signaling in the CNS is required for development of fatty acid-induced leptin resistance and diet-induced obesity. Cell Metab. Oct;10(4):249-59
- Könner AC, Klöckener T, Brüning JC (2009). Control of energy homeostasis by insulin and leptin: targeting the arcuate nucleus and beyond. Physiol Behav. Jul 14;97(5):632-8. Epub 2009 Apr 5
- Remedi MS, Kurata HT, Scott A, Wunderlich FT, Rother E, Kleinridders A, Tong A, Brüning JC, Koster JC, Nichols CG (2009). Secondary consequences of beta cell inexcitability: identification and prevention in a murine model of K(ATP)-induced neonatal diabetes mellitus. Cell Metab. Feb;9(2):140-51
- Spohn G, Kleinridders A, Wunderlich FT, Watzka M, Zaucke F, Blumbach K, Geisen C, Seifried E, Müller C, Paulsson M, Brüning JC, Oldenburg J (2009). VKORC1 deficiency in mice causes early postnatal lethality due to severe bleeding. Thromb Haemost. Jun;101(6):1044-50
- Yazdanpanah B, Wiegmann K, Tchikov V, Krut O, Pongratz C, Schramm M, Kleinridders A, Wunderlich T, Kashkar H, Utermöhlen O, Brüning JC, Schütze S, Krönke M (2009). Riboflavin kinase couples TNF receptor 1 to NADPH oxidase. Nature. Aug 27;460(7259):1159-63. Epub 2009 Jul 29
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Oliver A. Cornely
- Cornely OA, Böhme A, Buchheidt D, Einsele H, Heinz WJ, Karthaus M, Krause SW, Krüger W, Maschmeyer G, Penack O, Ritter J, Ruhnke M, Sandherr M, Sieniawski M, Vehreschild JJ, Wolf HH, Ullmann AJ (2009). Primary prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in patients with hematologic malignancies. Recommendations of the Infectious Diseases Working Party of the German Society for Haematology and Oncology. Haematologica. Jan;94(1):113-22. Epub 2008 Dec 9
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- Mann PA, McNicholas PM, Chau AS, Patel R, Mendrick C, Ullmann AJ, Cornely OA, Patino H, Black TA (2009). Impact of antifungal prophylaxis on colonization and azole susceptibility of Candida species. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. Dec;53(12):5026-34. Epub 2009 Sep 28
- Maschmeyer G, Beinert T, Buchheidt D, Cornely OA, Einsele H, Heinz W, Heussel CP, Kahl C, Kiehl M, Lorenz J, Hof H, Mattiuzzi G (2009). Diagnosis and antimicrobial therapy of lung infiltrates in febrile neutropenic patients: Guidelines of the infectious diseases working party of the German Society of Haematology and Oncology. Eur J Cancer. Sep;45(14):2462-72. Epub 2009 May 23
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Constantinos Demetriades
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Martin Denzel
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Sabine Eming
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Lukas P. Frenzel
- Frenzel LP, Abdullah Z, Kriegeskorte AK, Dieterich R, Lange N, Busch DH, Krönke M, Utermöhlen O, Hescheler J, Sarić T (2009). Role of natural-killer group 2 member D ligands and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in natural killer cell-mediated lysis of murine embryonic stem cells and embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Stem Cells. Feb;27(2):307-16
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Peter Frommolt
- Frommolt P, Hellmich M (2009). Resampling in multiple-dose factorial designs. Biom J. Dec;51(6):915-31
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Michael Hallek
- Boucas J, Lux K, Huber A, Schievenbusch S, von Freyend MJ, Perabo L, Quadt-Humme S, Odenthal M, Hallek M, Büning H (2009). Engineering adeno-associated virus serotype 2-based targeting vectors using a new insertion site-position 453-and single point mutations. J Gene Med. Dec;11(12):1103-13
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Matthias Hammerschmidt
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Hans Christian Hennies
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Marco Herling
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Thorsten Hoppe
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Hamid Kashkar
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Peter Kloppenburg
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- Ernst MB, Wunderlich CM, Hess S, Paehler M, Mesaros A, Koralov SB, Kleinridders A, Husch A, Münzberg H, Hampel B, Alber J, Kloppenburg P, Brüning JC, Wunderlich FT (2009). Enhanced Stat3 activation in POMC neurons provokes negative feedback inhibition of leptin and insulin signaling in obesity. J Neurosci. Sep 16;29(37):11582-93
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Thomas Krieg
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Martin Krönke
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Wilhelm Krone
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Christian Kubisch
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Tobias Lamkemeyer
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Michael Lammers
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Thomas Langer
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Nils-Göran Larsson
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Ivan Matic
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Roman-Ulrich Müller
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Carien M. Niessen
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Angelika A. Noegel
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Peter Nürnberg
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