Open Day: May 6, 2023, 10:00 - 17:00 h

"Day of Ageing Research"
at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing and CECAD, the Cluster of Excellence for Ageing Research

Why do organisms age? +++ How can we influence our lifespan? +++ What is happening in our cells when we age? +++ What impacts have nutrition, genes and environment? +++ Is it possible to stay healthy in old age? +++ How exactly increases aging our risk of disease? +++ Can we mitigate or even cure ageing-associated diseases such as Dementia, Parkinson's disease, Diabetes, Cardiovascular suffering, or cancer, when we intervene in the ageing process?


Follow our scientists with guided tours in their laboratories and take the opportunity to look over their shoulder. Are you interested in new technology? You can look through a state-of-the-art microscope or learn how we analyse proteins.
Do you want to be a researcher for one day? At our numerous experimentation stations the whole family can experience research up close and perform experiments themselves. Our scientists will provide you with help and advice.
Children and young people expect a lot of hands-on activities and experiments to discover. You want to slip into a lab coat? Nothing could be easier!

(Note: all information/talks and guided tours at our institutes will be in German language)


MPI Atrium / Erdgeschoss

  • DNA isolation from fruits
  • Microscopy (looking at different cells)
  • Separation of proteins and DNA
  • Animal housing - mice in aging research
  • Transgenesis Core Facility
  • Child room
  • Child ralley


  • Microscopy of samples and guessing game
  • How diet and lifestyle promote healthy aging
  • Bodyclocks: Our internal clock
  • Dementia: Recognizing and preventing risk factors
  • Memory training
  • Humanoid robotics: 'Mr. Pepper' in action
  • Clever in sun & shadow/ Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC)
  • Vaccination check: The vaccination app "Vacuna"
  • Ageing suit: Movement possibilities in old age - how does it feel?

Lectures on Ageing Research Day (German language!)

Time Speaker Topic
11.00 Peter Kreuzaler „Vitamine in der Onkogenese - Warum der Tumor ein Red Bull bestellte“
12.00 Cristina Polidori „Gesund älter werden: Eine Frage des Stils?“
13.00 Christina Ising „Alzheimer im Fokus: von der Grundlagenforschung hin zu neuen Therapien“
14.00 Juliane Lohmann „Schädlich oder nützlich? - Zelltod unter die Lupe genommen“
15.00 Laura Wester „Wie Fadenwürmer uns helfen, die molekularen Grundlagen des Alterns zu entschlüsseln“
16.00 Annika Jahn „Besser schlafen, länger leben? - Wie uns Fruchtfliegen bei dieser Frage helfen“

Guided Tours / Führungen

You can register for the guided tours during the event, or pre-register NOW via the embedded links (see below)

(all tours mainly in German language)

  • "Auf der Jagd nach Phänotypen - wie Fliegen halfen Alterungsprozesse zu untersuchen“ (CECAD)
    "Hunting for phenotypes - how flies helped to study aging processes" (CECAD).
    Register here:
  • "Die Entdeckung der verborgenen Welt der Stoffwechselprodukte in der CECAD Lipidomics/Metabolomics Facility“ (CECAD)
    "Discovering the hidden world of metabolites at the CECAD Lipidomics/Metabolomics Facility" (CECAD).
    Register here:
  • "Killifische in der Alternsforschung – Ein Leben im Zeitraffer“ (MPI)
    "Killifish in aging research - A life in time-lapse" (MPI).
    Register here:
  • "Mäuse in der Alternsforschung – Einblicke in die Tierhaltung” (MPI/CECAD, separate Führungen in beiden Instituten),
    "Mice in aging research - insights into animal housing" (MPI/CECAD, separate tours in both institutes)
    Register here (MPI):
    Register here (CECAD):
  • "Mein Name, winzig klein - Schreibe am Lasermikrodissektionsmikroskop deinen Namen in eine essbare Linse“ (CECAD)
    "My name, so tiny - write your name in an edible lens at the laser microdissection microscope" (CECAD)
    Register here:
  • "Mikroskope - wichtige Geräte in der Alternsforschung - wozu werden sie eingesetzt?“ (CECAD)
    "Microscopes - important tools in aging research - what are they used for?" (CECAD)
    Register here:
  • "Proteomics Facility: Eine Führung durch die Welt der Proteine“ (CECAD)
    "Proteomics Facility: a guided tour through the world of proteins" (CECAD).
    Register here:

We thank all the helpers from CECAD and MPI for your support as well as C plus - Stressmanagement, Lifestylecoaching & Gedächtnistraining, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)/Institute of Aerospace Medicine, ENTRANCE Robotics GmbH, KISS, Kölner Alzheimer Präventionszentrum, Kölner Verein für seelische Gesundheit e.V., CMMC (Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne) for your participation.